Welcome to ERIeDNA, a biodiversity monitoring program that aims to investigate the microbiome of Lake Erie by combining the resources of Great Lake researchers and the local community. Through the use of “BioBlitz’s” i.e., community science events, interested residents of the Lake Erie watershed are taught water sampling techniques that effectively capture environmental DNA.
While small, microorganisms are mighty when it comes to the health and function of Lake Erie. Through the use of Environmental DNA, researchers are able to effectively determine what microbial diversity inhabits our waters. There is no doubt Lake Erie is a vital resource to our community as it provides fresh drinking water, recreational boating, and drives a booming fishing industry.
Our goal for this program is to collect, analyze, and share ERIeDNA results to better inform the public of the biodiversity in our watershed. Pilot funds for this project were kindly provided by the Ohio Sea Grant. If you’re interested in participating in the project, please contact us by clicking here to send us an email.